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The Loop includes a pill container and an APP, the goal is to visualizing patient's medication treatment foot print, and bringing awareness of their body transformation, in order to engaging treatment

We visualize your medication process.


"How might we provide awareness of body transformation, in order to empower the patients who are suffering mental disorder?"

For this project, my goal was to create a product to provide informations and spread awareness of our own body in circumstances.



September - December 2022



User Research

3D Modeling


Industrial Design

UI Design

Individual Work




3D Printing


Adobe Illustrator


Background Information 

Roughly 40% of adults in mental health treatment each year drop out before completing their recommended course of treatment in United States.

Patients who are on the medication treatment are very likely to stop taking medication without counseling with doctor, ​and they have a high probability of getting caught into this vicious loop:

Most common reasons for patients discontinuing medical treatment are: 


1. Serious side effects

2. Conditions were improved.

Patients are lack of awareness of their mental health and medical treatment process, and illness takes away controllability of their own body from them.


How Might We:

How might we provide awareness of body transformation, in order to help patients engaging medical treatment?


​Guiding and documenting medical treatment process.

Product Feature

Pill dispenser

Classify and contain medication 

Physical Product

This pill dispenser is made by  recycled plastic and silicon. It contains 14 compartments, categorized medications for twice-daily dosage, with one week as a cycle.

Application: Arrangement

Medical arrangement for pill dispenser based on prescription.

​Notification & Info Collection 

Sending notification of reminder and the survey by the day. Using camera to scan container for obtaining daily dosage information.

​Info Collection 

Survey about side effects reaction, events, and specific feeling or emotion by the day.


Every week The LOOP will provides a summary of the course to its user. It visualizes dosage, adaptation trend of side effects, and key emotions by the week. 

The summary not only provides awareness for patient to adapt the situation and adjust their life balance, but also can be a reference for psychiatrist.

Application: Input

Scan the prescription of medication, it will gather the dosage and note for you.


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Identification: MTF

HRT:    Spironolactone


Cyproterone acetate

User Observation


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Diagnoses:  Bipolar 

 Medication:  Quetiapine

Lithium Carbonate


Problems to think of:

If objective factors can't be resolved, what about the subjective impact?

How does side effects influence patient's functionality?

How do we understand more about our own body?

How do we take back the controllability of ourself from illness?

Design Development

User Scenario

Scan prescription and gain info.

Medication arrangement guidance


Scan pill dispenser and finish survey of the day

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